• +447466133714
  • info@iils.co.uk
  • United Kingdom


Documents about GCSE level subject contents for learning from 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 are all available.

Most of our secondary students begin at the age of 11 to 13 and ending usually at the age of 15 to 18.
Some of our students excel quicker than others due to their ability, readiness and interest. We recognise talents and we work harder with talented students. The academic capability of a student dictates the pace at which he or she can learn however, our program is also designed for students particularly less motivated and lack confidence to perform. The program help to uplift these students and benefit from learning material with progressively harder tasks to grow their confidence.

IILS offering single Science and Combined Sciences programme which is also known as Triple Science because it consists of three core science subjects; physics, chemistry, and biology.